Janus 2006
I promised pictures and I promised a recap and then it just didn't happen. For me, when I know there is something I should blog about that will be more than a few sentences, I delay posting, and then stuff just builds up. Does anyone else have that problem?
Our Janus weekend began Friday afternoon at the airport. It was a bit of a rough start. The lines were long, the plane was delayed, and once in the air, there was a good bit of turbulence. But we, and our luggage, arrived OK and after visiting with both sets of parents, we were able to get to bed at a reasonable hour. We got up Saturday morning for breakfast with the LeSaicherres at Peppermill. Probably not the brightest idea to wake up early the day of the ball, but it was nice to do a normal thing on a crazy weekend. After breakfast, I met up with Taylor and Jeff and we hit up Kmart for some much needed skit supplies. Thank God Kmart stocks water toys in February.
The day really got going at noon at the Bourbon House. The King's Lunch was well attended despite the reduced membership. The food was good, the drinks were strong, and the price was right. I'd also like to say its a lot more fun with people I know there, so thanks again to Taylor and Jerry for being members. After lunch, things kinda got crazy, as there were many things to do back at the hotel. I had more responsibilities this year so I had more to do and pretty much just stressed out a whole lot more. I need to learn to do what I need to do and still have a good time.
The ball itself went pretty well. Everyone came out when they were supposed to. The audience laughed when they were supposed to. The Captain handled the surprises well. The escort who fainted on stage recovered quickly. The only two things that just didn't go like they should have were the lighting and the band. We need to work on that.
The breakfast was awesome. It always is. I figure one year it will be a let down but it hasn't happened yet. Everybody danced. Everyone who wasn't pregnant drank. We all had a good time. Drunk Jeff was funny. Chris did a back flip. Erin kept on dancing even after falling and getting elbowed in the face. We actually took a professional group picture. I ate the breakfast and drank the coffee and it wasn't half bad. I danced the crazy line dances and could still walk afterward. Good times. Good times.
Sunday I spend the day being sick. Actually fever sick not drinking sick. I'm guessing the stress and flying did me in. Whatever, I had a good time the night before that's all that matters. I do remember eating Canes so there were some good parts. The trip back Monday was uneventful. I was just glad my ear popped.
I promised pictures so here mine are. You can also find Jerry's in imagestation under centanni. And here is the professional photo web page. Enjoy, and come next year!