Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Often he who does too much does too little

A while back I read an interesting article at the Motley Fool that was about paying attention to companies that diversify for seemingly no good reason. I took it a different way. Here's an excerpt.
Drucker believes that most people and, by extension, most companies, are terribly unfocused. They have too many loves to satisfy and too few commitments. They dabble here, dally there, and fail to master anything. ... Drucker (names) it a primary driver of sustained mediocrity.

Reading those lines hit me like a ton of bricks. I saw myself in that description. I seem to be interested in everything and yet don't follow anything through. You should see my to-do list. There are mountains of things to do every night and yet usually I look at the list, realize there's way too much to do in one night, and then don't do any of it. So now I'm in the process of simplifying my life. First step is cutting back on the to-do list. I still need a list, trust me on that one, I just need to plan less for each day. That way I can actually get the things on the list done. The second part is focusing on a couple of hobbies and dropping the rest. That part I'm having a harder time with.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

yeah, it is hard to cut down on the hobbies.

The whole Franklin/Covey (I still wish Covey wasn't in on it... but that's a side note) about really finding what's important to your life and priortorizing that seems to apply here. It is hard thing to do, but it seems to have huge benefits.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Man, you should have come to lunch with me yesterday. We had a speaker on this. She was very good. She's also a "life coach."

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! Chad read an article and is trying to cut BACK on his hobbies???

Another way I've heard this phrased is from an antecdote on the secret of success... Figure out what is really important in your life and make sure that is what you are always focused on.

I can't help but say this even though I don't really know Aamir, but you might want to keep that XXX hobby to yourself.

-Steve (Chad's old roommate)

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Chad said...

Does the Franklin thing cover figuring out what's most important to your life or is that a step you have to take first and then use their system?

I actually have implemented some of the "Getting Things Done" stuff. But using that method doesn't prevent me from scheduling ten things to do when I get home. That just takes discipline.

Steve, you're 850 miles away and made a comment about a person you don't know who and is over 2000 miles away and you seriously cracked my shit up. Rolling on the floor. Man I miss hangin out with you.


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