Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Who am I

A driver's license, as the name would imply, proves you are authorized to drive a car. But it's also used as our main form of identification. Does that even really make sense? Do all driver's license offices check to make sure that you really are who you say you are or are they more concerned with your ability to operate a motor vehicle? Should they be in the ID business? It's an interesting question and one I never really thought of until I read an article about Congress thinking about standardizing some of the information on driver's licenses. Maybe we should all have to use passports even to fly in the country? But even that is using a document created for one purpose and using it for another. Should there be a new document, an actual ID card? I'm certainly a little frightened by the privacy concerns and how such an ID would be used, but wouldn't it make sense to have an actual item designed for the purpose of identification?


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

Just to point out, you can go get an official state id even if you can't drive. It just fulfills that whole government issued picture id thing.

Say, if you like booze but hate cars.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Chad said...

That's a good point. It make you wonder about this statement in the article, "every director of a state driver's license bureau I've ever asked has adamantly denied being in the ID business." I wonder how they would explain the whole official state ID thing.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger Chad said...

I find I am most often asked for goverment issued photo ID. I think with a little work you can make that not overly easy to counterfeit. SSN requests seem to occur less and less for me so it seems companies may be getting the picture.

What if you want to drive, and are fit to drive, but can't really verify you identity?


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