Friday, January 27, 2006


I make notes to myself about things to blog on in the future and then I forget I even made the notes. This is one of those items.

One thing that has always bothered me about Austin is the lack of history. I mean sure there is some old stuff downtown, but not much, and nothing that compares to what we have in New Orleans. Now I know nothing we have here in the States compares to Europe but whatever. With Austin being so new and my neighborhood having been built in the 70s, I figured nothing historical could possibly be in my area. Well that's not entirely true.

If you believe the info in that link, there was as small town called Duval at the intersection of what is now Dorset and Wycliff. There was also a small town called Waters Park near where that old biker bar of Jerry's was. And last but not least, those stones underneath Parmer at the end of Waters Park Road were intended to be used to build the Texas State Capitol but fell of the train.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

More Austin history.

How old qualifies something as old?


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