Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Doctor

I've always liked Doctor Who. I remember liking it as a kid. One of the first thing I downloaded once I had a web connection was the theme music to the show. (Fun Fact: It was in the au format.) Sc-fi, British, a guy with a scarf, what's not to like.

Funny thing is, I can't remember a single episode.

Did I ever actually watch it? I honestly can't remember. It's very odd. It must have come on late night TV or something. I don't know of anything else that I know I like but can't remember anything about.

Well I do remember one thing. There was this on episode with a guy stuck on some sort of space craft as it was about to crash into the Earth. Turns out in the Whoniverse that's what caused the dinosaur extinction. That's really all I remember. I spent some time looking it up and episode is the last in the serial Earthshock. Oddly enough it was a fairly important episode since it killed off a long time companion.

I think I always watched the 90s movie version, but it didn't leave a lasting impression.

Anyway, why do I bring this up now? I just started watching the new version of the show. I'm three episodes in. Pretty good so far. The new doctor is a good bit different from what I feel like the doctor was but he seems to fit with the new show. Anything British is entertaining to me, so that's a plus. The plot lines are appropriately crazy sci-fi and the whole slow reveal of the Time War details seems like it's a worthwhile season build up. As with most shows, I'm just curious if it will stay good.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger richard said...

It gets better and better, particularly with David Tennant as the second of the new Doctors. Glad we'll have this to talk about as well :)


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