Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Plan

There will be a three month delay in the plan and a few other minor changes. A few of you already know that. A few more of you have a clue as to what I am talking about. The rest of you just wish I would get on with the explanation already. Well here goes.

For a while now Melissa and I have had this idea to move back to New Orleans. Sure we had no idea what we would do once we got there, but that was a bridge we would cross when we came to it. Before we moved home, we would quit our jobs, sell our house, put our belongings in storage, and tour Europe for three weeks. After the European Vacation, we would then take a road trip to visit people we hadn't seen in a while, mostly the Vaths and the Greys. All of it was theoretical of course, but though the plan slightly scared us, we liked it.

Then, in the words of Chris Rose, The Thing happened.

A few months later, Melissa and I decided to implement the plan in spite of, of perhaps because of, what had happened. Plane tickets were purchased. Handyman work was done. Meetings were held with Realtors. The house was even staged in preparation for going on the market. And then, we took a step back and wondered if things were moving too fast.

Why was the plan for Memorial Day? Did that timing still make sense? We both looked at our current work situations and talked to our parents about New Orleans and decided that a delay of about three months would be a good idea. It was a tough decision since in my head for some reason moving the date once makes it seem movable again, but that is what we decided.

The plan now has us vacationing in Europe in September with me taking actual vacation from work while we are there, and then moving back to New Orleans sometime after the trip as housing and jobs line up.

Any questions?


At 8:18 AM, Blogger richard said...

Sounds like a hard decision to have come to, but knowing how careful of a decider you are I'm sure it will be the right decision for both of you. Good luck with the house selling - will this extended time give you a chance to add some value/bump up the price at all?

Also, you get three more months in Austin! This is a great thing - as I've told you before, having left there with a few small regrets, do stuff! And please, dear God, eat some barbecue for us. Is there some brisket-deficiency analog to Scurvy? Because if so, Mary and I both have a bad case.

And of course, you two are always welcome to stay with us if you happen upon Michigan in the future. We miss you guys.

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man - I think you're making a good decision... don't people say that moving at the end of the summer is common (kids don't have school yet) and so those prices are higher?

Definitely enjoy the vacation and make sure you don't back out of it at the end... :o)

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I, myself, tend to get caught up in the "yeah! lets do it!" idea without necessarily looking at things to see if the timing is right. Good job in realizing that you might need to reconsider the timing and make it work better in the long run. Does this mean that you're becoming "adults"?

I'll miss ya'll this summer! I was hoping to hang out with ya'll some while I'm living at the Pere Marquette. Oh, well. I think I'll be back in NOLA during the month of November...I'll just have to track the two of you down when I get there and a visit to Austin before ya'll leave will have to be planned.


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