Wednesday, October 05, 2005


It has been over a month since I wrote a normal post and nearly as long since there has been a post at all. Things have been kinda strange around here. We've had three different sets of evacuees and things are just now getting back to normal. I go to work, attend meetings, and reply to emails. I come home, eat dinner, and watch the new season of shows on the DVR. And yet, things don't feel normal. Instead, I feel guilty. It's the watching TV instead of doing my homework kind of guilty if that makes sense. The things I am doing, at home, at work, wherever, just don't seem to matter. Let me try to explain.

For a while now I've been trying to find the things that matter to me. Trying to get past the shoulds in my life to figure out the wants in my life is how I think of it sometimes. This summer, I came up with a short list: Melissa, children, family, New Orleans. Here's a brief explanation.

I love my wife and want to experience as much of life as possible with her. I want to have children and raise a family, a desire my wife can attest to and a desire that spending time with my goddaughters only makes stronger. I want to raise my family around my extended family. My children will spend time with their grandparents and have sleep-overs with their cousins and will go to family birthday parties seemingly every month. And I want all of this to occur in New Orleans. I love the city and want to be a part of improving it. I want my children to grow up rooting for the Saints and pronouncing things the right wrong way. I want to spend my summer weekends with my wife and family in Waveland.

What I figured out from this list was that I would likely be a very happy man if I moved back to New Orleans and raised a family. Timing seemed to be the only issue. I talked to Melissa and crunched a few numbers and came up with a plan. The basic idea was to coordinate all our money issues along with a Europe trip and possibly a road trip and wind up in New Orleans sometime in August and, well, start looking for jobs. I was content to keep on keepin' on in Austin until then.

I'm not so content anymore.

At first just keeping track of the family seemed like a full time job. Then I had the evacuees at the house to take care of. Not to mention combing the web for as much information as possible. Now, all of that has passed, and I want to be back in New Orleans now. It seems silly to be wasting the day behind my desk when restaurants can't open due to lack of employees. It seems crazy to watch the West Wing when there is rotting garbage on my parent's front lawn. It seems out of place to spend a weekend in Dallas when the Centanni's are searching their home for salvageable items.

For now I will go to work and watch TV and have a normal weekend. The plan does still have some merit. But sooner or later I will have to go back. You may think I'm crazy to do it, but I know I'll go crazy if I don't.


At 8:31 AM, Blogger richard said...

really nice post, thanks for sharing your thinking. we've got your back no matter what you need to do.

have you thought about taking a short trip to N.O. to help out your family/friends with the recovery? Pat Nolan - who lives in MI but is from New Orleans - had to drive a truck full of supplies down and get his hands dirty helping... he needed something tangible. i know it isn't the same as moving back now, but i wonder if it might be helpful for you as well as for those you'd be helping?

At 9:29 AM, Blogger richard said...

i mention this in part because i really want to do this myself, but because of my teaching schedule it just isn't feascible. it's a drag...

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Jerry Centanni said...

I completely understand where you're coming from...and I imagine after I go home this weekend I'll feel it even more...its hard to figure out whether I can help more by being here in Austin with a nice job to be able to help support my family, or be back in New Orleans helping rebuild the entire city. Right now I'm sticking to the former, since there seems to be little direction that's being shared on how we're going to rebuild. Still frustrating to just sit here...

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Have you tried to brainstorm some things you can do from Austin and ways to become involved here that might help you to feel like you are at least contributing to some "big picture" or longterm goals of both moving back and helping.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger The Movie Guys said...

Be patient. You will have a chance to do something. Right now, it's still a very depressing place to be. When I was evacuated, I felt the same way you do. Now that I have scrubbed mold from refrigerators and floors and tried to salvage what I can from my destroyed apartment and soaked up the anger, depression, frustration, bitterness, and sadness of those around me, I don't know how I feel. For the first time in my life, it doesn't feel like home. I just know I want to get away for a while, which is why I'm coming to y'all. So, I understand how you feel, but however hard it may be, I would wait so you don't end up feeling like I do now. Not saying I won't return to N.O., but I am considering the possibility, which is something I've rarely done in the past.




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