Monday, January 12, 2009

My Damn Eyes

I'm writing this after having just come home to Melissa saying "Umm, something is wrong with your eye. It's like you aren't looking at me." After I made a face she continued, "No, worse than normal." Grrr. Well that might explain the headache I'm starting to get.

Over six months ago, I tore my last contact. Having not found an eye doctor in town yet, I just decided to go without for a while. "Decided" is a strong word. I just never got around to making an appointment and used my glasses to drive. Near Thanksgiving I decided to finally go to the eye doctor and was surprised to find out my prescription had changed. I now had an astigmatism in my right eye and so would need a toric lens to correct it.

Six different contacts later and I'm still trying to find the right one. Ugh. While I see better in the distance with the astigmatism contact, it seems to really piss off my left eye to the point of looking more cross-eyed than normal and giving me headaches. But in true Flower for Algernon fashion, going to the closest non-astigmatism lens that doesn't give me a headache just pisses me off all day because I remember how clearly I should be seeing. I'm hoping the headache and cross-eyed is due to reading with this contact so hopefully I can get some glasses to use when I want to see sharply.

For all of you out there with perfect vision, please remember how lucky you have it.


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was sure this post was going to end with you having pink eye.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Erin said...

its not often you see a good reference to Algernon.

well done.


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