Wednesday, October 15, 2003


So the other day while eating crab cakes at Sea Island Oh-My-God-Why-Am-I-Eating-Seafood-Away-From-the-Gulf-Coast Shrimp House I am engaging in my usual mealtime activity, eavesdropping. Now I am not talking about catching a word or two from the table next to me. Oh no. I am talking about listening to every sentence and focusing so hard on it that my friends at lunch ask me if I am feeling well. It's a disease I know. Anyway, the people next to me are having a serious discussion about abortion. Apparently they don't understand how anyone can have the opposite opinion of the one they have. I think I even heard the phrase "Isn't it obvious in this day and age." I wanted to jump over to the table and beat them up philosophically, but I sat back and continued listening. The last part of the conversation I heard was about a student, the woman it seems is a teacher, who changed his mind and now agrees with the teacher. The two of them were very proud of the guy and sang the praises of his intelligence ... because now he agreed with them. And this lady is a teacher. She teaches children! Argh.

On my way back to work, after I had calmed down a bit, I began to think about what I had just witnessed. Do I act like they just did? I mean I'm pretty much an "I'm obviously right" kinda guy, so do I come off to others like those two jackoffs? Where is the line between thinking you are right and thinking anyone who holds the other view is an idiot? I hold some pretty radical views, 4.00/-2.72 on the political compass, and certainly talk with people who don't have the same beliefs as myself. I do not think they are idiots. I do understand how someone can think as they do. But I still think they are wrong.

DVRs rule, Gilmore Girls rocks, and thank God Rachel and Joey figured out what America already knew.


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